So one of my friends Anwar (foto of him to the left) has decided to write about his experience of living in Rio's favelas. He just started his Blog today and will add more information as time goes on. He is still learning how to navigate his Blog.
I think it is VERY IMPORTANT for him to let people know about his experiences in Parada de Lucas, Chapeu Mangueira and other favelas that he had chance to stay and work in. He has embraced favela culture 100% and has made many friends there.
He plans to move back to Rio sometime near the beginning of the new year. His plans are to move to Vidigal favela on the other side of the hill from Rocinha. He plans to work in some capacity with filmaking, possibly with "Nos do Morro", a non profit that helps favela kids in the arts. If you are not from Brazil and have stayed or lived in a favela he wants to hear from you..
his Blog is: http://favelado.wordpress.com
Make sure to tell him Zezinho sent you!