Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Dia das Criancas

Yesterday was "Kid's Day", which is a big holiday where people celebrate their children. Many events take place all over Brazil. I have collected some fotos from various people from different parts of the favela

 Marcos Tavares and his friend decided to give the children in Rocinha free hair cuts or styles. Marcos is a sucessful barber and hairstylist with his trademark of making designs in peoples hair. They had their tent set up at the bottom of Rocinha in a area called "Pracinha de Roupa Suja". What an awesome way to give back to the Favela!

These fotos are from Guia Mix of the party at the bottom of Rua 4. Nothing better than seeing these children happy! Its the one day we can celebrate them!

Mauricio Soca celebrated his party at the top of the favela. Check out his fotos!

Selmita Soares who is involved in theatre programs here in Rocinha was part of this celebration at the Quadra da Cachopa. This is very close to my house.

Festa No Valao, at the bottom of Rocinha closest to the mountain of Two Brothers is the area we call Valao. This area is poor and an open sewer runs through this part of the favela. Here are their fotos from their celebrations yesterday.

Tatiana Pereira who works at the Nike store and friends got together to distribute items to one of the poorest areas of Rocinha called "Macega". They called their effiorts "Team Nike". Awesome work!

In other favelas there were celebrations as well. I have many friends that mostly live in favelas.

My friend Slava Blackie took some fotos of a kids party run and organized by bikers. The event was organized for children by bikers from Rua Ceara near Vila Mimosa. There were many children from surrounding favelas of Mangueira, Jacarezinho, Sao Carlos, and other favelas. Rua Ceara is a street where many motorcycle clubs are located. They do this every year and invite kids from the nearby favelas. The guy who began this whole initiative a few years ago is from the favela of Sao Carlos.

The Mototaxi's of Grota in Complexo de Alemao had their own party.

Complexo de Alemao and my friend Clebers Fotos of their kids day celebrations

Fotos from Gilbert Leal show distribution of toys to kids in Imbarie, a favela in Duque de Caixias in the North Zone of Rio. This is an area that rarely gets any help.